We are sportmedia.tv - a daily sports media platform aiming to introduce you to the most current topics from the world of sports.

Our team consists of experienced journalists who cover every important event not only from the world of soccer - our specialists also work in other areas to introduce you to the latest games from basketball, volleyball, tennis and combat sports.

Sportmedia.tv is an authoritative source of information. In it you will not find ordinary news, but much more. We have prepared a significant number of other extras to help bettors as well. Among them are a section with football predictions, games analysis, as well as detailed statistics for each of the games. We have also added up-to-date odds from the leading broadcasters, as well as a TV program for all upcoming games on the small screen.

If you want to learn about what is happening in the world fo sports both domestically and worldwide, sportmedia.tv is your place. Discover more with us!